Thursday, May 2, 2013

Seminar Seven - The changing identity of Young Adult Literature

For our final seminar of the semester we will look at how Young Adult Literature has changed over the years, and what the implications are for teenage identity formation.

Writing for adolescents has moved on from Mallory Towers to include issues such as incest, self-mutilation, and date rape. Writing featuring such dark subject matter coupled with isolated protagonists in dystopian realities is becoming increasingly popular, not just with teenagers, but also adults.

With these issues in mind, we will discuss who the books are aimed at, their reception and dissemination, what constitutes young adult fiction, and consequences for young adult identity.

Our discussion will be informed by an article suggested by Michelle Cooney
'From the Chalet School to the Hunger Games' by Amy Ellis-Thompson

The seminar takes place Thursday, May 9th in T1.01 at 5pm.

Hope to see you there.