Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The work of art in the digital age - Seminar 3

In 1936 Walter Benjamin questioned the uniqueness and permanence of the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. Benjamin was concerned with a move towards transitoriness and the reproducibility of art as a result, and what this was reflecting in society.

However, in the 21st century, with the onset of digital reproduction, photoshop and the ability to share images, videos and stories instantly is it possible to achieve a unique work of art? What effect do self publishing and the internet have on the quality or authenticity of art? And more importantly what does this say about society?

For this months seminar we are examining what Walter Benjamin's essay means today in the digital age, and if the work of art in the contemporary era has lost its legitimacy. 

I would like to thank Dr Steven Leddin for suggesting such an interesting reading. 

A copy of the essay is available here:

The next seminar will take place on Thursday, December 6 at 5pm in T2.02

Monday, November 19, 2012

Centre for Studies in Otherness Postgraduate Symposium

The Centre for Studies in Otherness is hosting a postgraduate symposium on Otherness in philosophy, theory and art practice this coming Friday 23rd November 2-5pm. The symposium will take place at The Captain’s Room of The Hunt Museum and brings together postgraduate researchers from the departments of English Language & Literature, and Philosophy at MIC, and Limerick School of Art and Design.

The event is open to the public and in particular welcomes postgraduate students from both institutions to attend and participate in discussion. 

Michelle Cooney (PhD Student, Department of Philosophy, Mary Immaculate College) “Heidegger and the Death of the Other”
Kristy Butler (PhD student, Department of English Language & Literature, Mary Immaculate College) “The Nightmare of Reversals: Alien and Alienating Others in H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds”

Deirdre Flynn (PhD student, Department of English Language & Literature, Mary Immaculate College) “Positioning the Postmodern Female”
Breda Lynch (Lecturer in Printmaking and Contemporary Practice, Department of Fine Art, LSAD) “Other Drawings”
Una Spain (MA student, Centre of Postgraduate Studies, LSAD) “St. Brigid’s; the construction of the other in psychiatric discourse”
Deborah McDonagh (MA student, Centre of Postgraduate Studies, LSAD) “The Phenomenology of Perception; the otherness of masculinity in contemporary society”

The Centre for Studies in Otherness initiates a collaborative project that brings together postgraduate scholars from Mary Immaculate College and Limerick School of Art and Design to consider the notion of Otherness as it relates to current issues in Literary Criticism, Cultural Theory, Philosophy and Art Practice. 
Check out for more information on the Centre for Studies in Otherness.